Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Maui Tweet Up

Aloha,this morning I attended a Maui Tweet Up. We gathered at Whole Food Maui located at the Maui Mall. I was a bit late, but was very pleased to finally meet some new tweeters,but yet felt like meeting old friends. Mahalo to Dania Katz for organizing and Joel Katz for the lovely music. I had an omelet and fresh squeezed O.J. and was very surprised at the action going on inside . I guess I hadn't gone there on a Sunday. I am so glad to have had breakfast with the Maui peeps, and a couple that was visiting from the Big Island, even if they were face bookah's! LOL
Picture is from left to right:@peterliu47,@sfdhawaii,@lhccmatt,@alohakathy.@juliyakacoco,@ucsmiles,@raatz. I am taking the picture.

1 comment:

eggiepuff said...

whoohoo wish I could have come n hung out to :(