Monday, July 28, 2008


yesterday i had such a great beach day. i got to baby beach in sprecklesville at around 8 30 am. the sun was great. i was kinda in a off the main reef break. i notice alot of runners and people with their dogs. it did get windy so i left. i went for a cruise to hookpia beach and it was hot.. by now i just wanted the ocean so bad. i drove to baldwin beach park and i usually like to go on the right of the pavillion, and the bay spot was eroded! yeah it was alll washed out! there were trees sticking out of the water. that beach has gone through so much. and i was in awe at the sight. realll beach erosion. so i swam near the life guard stand for nearly and hour!. i was catching waves, swimming out, and do water tumbles. it was great. the ocean really does rejuvinate the spirit. i took a shower and went to my car to change. you know what, how it is here , you just change where evers. and than i notice another girl doing the same thing. i love going to the beach on maui! I got home and napped for about 30 minutes than finally took another shower to wash my hair. boy did i get sunburn.hehe you can tell even if i have dark brown skin! it feels nice!so maybe beach again next week if i still dont have a job !

1 comment:

Michael Dale WIlson said...

That is one great day. Lucky you live maui, sistah. You describe it so well, I can feel the salt sticking to my skin.;)