Sunday, June 14, 2009

quickies can be the best

!! I have a second job! It is a place called Spice and Rice. it is located in Haiku. I work on Tuesday and Friday nights.It is Indian and Burmese Authentic Cuisine . I haven't work night in many years let a lone being a server/waitress. i am really good at hostess . I have know this family for a very long time. It has been easy to know the people around me. and they know me too. i have always been a good employee. as i worked for the wife in her business called Rainbow Jo.
@@. I missed a call from my son today.!! it has been two weeks since we spoke.
##. my car is running ok.
$$ i am gonna try to keep up with this blog better.I like keeping busy IRL.
%% I am glad the nasty vog has blown away and the trade winds are is sweet here on Maui.

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